
Temmuz, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

FPA Notları

On another level, scholars of international relations are leaning towards either a policy or a processoriented analysis of foreign policy. A policy-oriented approach prioritizes explanations that most effectively explain choices of specific policies over others; where as the process-oriented approach puts a premium over the decision-making processes. As a result, policy-oriented analysis tends to deal with either the impact of the actors (the role of agency) or the structures in explaining foreign policy behavior. This marks a methodological confrontation between the so-called bottom-up vs. top-down notions. On the other hand, process-oriented analysis concentrates on the decision-making, and labors to include both structures and agency in its attempts of analyzing international relations. However, rather than taking an integrative approach this second school takes up a levels-of-analysis framework. Therefore, such an approach focuses on the interplay between the state-level and th...