
Temmuz, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

How Is It Becoming A Simulacra?

During the rallies for Istanbul Municipality elections held on 31 March 2019, it is possible for media in five stages: First, finding a gap, and creating an image to fill the gap in a high-tension environment: 15 July Coup Attempt created a panic and security threat in the country. Everyone began to worry about domestic actors. Gulen's accommodation in Pennsylvania made one of the supporters of the night that 248 people lost their lives. After that night, the state of emergency called. After three years, it is still tried to be remembered by the government. While opposition parties are trying to protect personal liberty rights, it began to be demonstrated as if opposition parties were against operations against Gulenists, but they were actually presenting instructions to fight against Gulenists in politics and state but were rejected by Cumhur Alliance. So on, the image of oppositions' couldn't escape  from being an obstacle for the government and people who have see...


Conclusion To sum all the analysis up, the national security risk makes people fragile to have a tendency to believe (not just to think with a rational process) the government publications, as Bauman suggests though.  The mainstream media is producing simulacra, when voters go for Fox Tv and see the HDP's propaganda on this channel while the others are excluding HDP for being a pro-PKK party and the clear statements of being in an alliance with PKK, the reaction of voters who define themselves as Turkish citizens to have an eye on mainstream channels' news and columns.  The risk of national security feeling is put by the media by having at least one person in each program in a day in order not to make people forget the situation of insecurity. This strategy makes people keep believing that there are many risks and the policies of security are inevitable. The conspiracy theorists are very much favorable in Turkey. Some of them are politicians and TV series writers...


Bir yatır gibi çaputlar astım boynuma insan dilemeden duramaz değil mi tanrıdan her şey bize amade olmadı diye tüm dualar ve kokladım diye o kızın göğsünü tüm bu kaşıntılar ve deri döküntüleri ve bu tabure ipi biraz sıktım ya da çaputlar çatlaklarımız var dokunarak bulamıyoruz ama çatlıyoruz işte günden güne ve örüldükçe boynumun ilmekleri ki ömür bu değil mi ben biraz hızlı ördüm hepiniz gibi, sırtımı bir dağa verdim ve delindi ferhatın hızına hiç ulaşamadım ya da imkansızlığı anlatmak içindi ben tutulamayan çişin pantolondaki iziydim ya dahası ne beni suyla yuyacaklar ve geçecek her şey ne kadar yaşarsak o kadar çaput doluyorlar boynumuza bir yatırdan farksızız, demek ki ölmüşüz evvelden, tüm bu kaşıntılar ve deri döküntüleri ve bu ayağı kırık tabure sevmek bu olsa gerek ipi çok sıktım ya da çaputlar.

The Image of Erdogan: Payitaht Abdülhamid

In the very well known series Payitaht Abdulhamid which tells the story of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid in the 19th century, the receiver subjects are planned to be at the same point of view with AK Party's struggle after 15 July coup attempt. Abdulhamid was been derailed from the throne by Ittihadists (the opposition community of union and progress party in the Ottoman parliament during Abdulhamid era). The Ittihadists are connected with the opposition party CHP today, by saying that they are in command of Pennsylvania, as Erdogan and his alliance states. The series is mainly about the struggles of Abdulhamid, with his loneliness against the Western and domestic powers to perpetuate the empire as the last castle for the Islam world. In the series, not the whole of the events is historic, though, lots of them are fiction. The image of Abdulhamid is wise, virtuous, alone and powerful. Occasionally, the catchwords are coming from similar writers who give texts to Erdogan. The series obv...